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Rabobank switches to new mortgage platform

Ordina’s High-Performance Team realizes integration with new platform.

In the Dutch mortgage market, Rabobank is traditionally the most important player. To strengthen its position, there was a growing need to replace the existing platform the advisors use for giving mortgage advice to their customers. Recently, Rabobank chose the Personal Finance Platform of Omniplan. This helped them ease the mortgage advice chain for advisors and consumers, modernize the IT landscape, and gave them a stable, reliable, and future-proof platform. 

Rabobank is the frontrunner 

Ricardo Jozen, IT Lead of the area Orientation & Advice at the tribe Housing at Rabobank, thinks the switch to a new platform is important to remain the frontrunner in the mortgage market. “Right now, we are using Advice Planner, but this legacy solution is no longer satisfactory. The Omniplan solution enables us to use the newest technological developments, permitting our advisors to do their job fast and well, improving our service and customer satisfaction significantly. The new platform is cloud-based, which fits the strategy of Rabobank perfectly,” says Ricardo.  

High-Performance team 

For building the required components in the Rabobank IT landscape and integrating it into the Personal Finance Platform of Omniplan, they have chosen a High-Performance Team (HPT) of Ordina. The HPT, consisting of a product owner, a scrum master, five developers, and three Rabobank business analysts, started its assignment in January 2021. Matthijs Minderhoud, product owner of the HPT: “Our team has to make sure that Rabobank is added to the advice engine of Omniplan, making the needed client, object, and financial data visible to the advisors. Once the advisor has built rapport in this environment, he has to land in the Rabobank IT environment again. This process is enabled by mediation components, which our HPT will build.” 

The project is running smoothly 

Ricardo Jozen and Matthijs Minderhoud say the project is running smoothly. The HPT has an agile approach with sprints and a backlog, sorting all its work processes into user stories. “We have built everything by now,” says Matthijs. “The mediation component between what comes back from Omniplan to Ordina is also done. We have tested the entire chain, checking whether the data arrives correctly in the Omniplan environment and vice versa. The new platform has been taken into use near the end of 2021.”  

Of course, there is some trial and error, but our strength is creating a team quickly to create added value for the customer. 

HPT delivers added value 

Ricardo Jozen is very positive about the cooperation between Rabobank and the High-Performance team of Ordina. “It consolidates my earlier experiences with HPTs of Ordina. We came into contact near the new year’s holidays in 2020 to check if we could start in 2021. We shifted into higher gear, contacting each other daily and making a flying start in January. I think it’s very cool that a new team, never having worked together like this, can become a unit this fast, with near-perfect planning and work execution. Even more impressive when you consider that the team members never met in real life, and that everything happened online. I think that is worth some congratulations. Of course, there is some trial and error, but our strength is creating a team quickly to create added value for the customer.” 

Download leaflet 

Read more on Ordina’s High-Performance teams in our leaflet Cocreation and team development in multidisciplinary teams. 

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